What are Carpenters?
Carpenters are involved in many different kinds of construction, from the building of highways and bridges to the installation of kitchen cabinets. Carpenters construct, erect, install, and repair structures and fixtures made from wood and other materials. Working from blueprints or instructions from supervisors, carpenters first do the layout — measuring, marking, and arranging materials — in accordance with local building codes. They cut and shape wood, plastic, fiberglass, or drywall using hand and power tools, such as chisels, planes, saws, drills, and sanders. They then join the materials with nails, screws, staples, or adhesives. In the last step, carpenters do a final check of the accuracy of their work with levels, rules, plumb bobs, framing squares, and surveying equipment, and make any necessary adjustments.

Wages and Employment
Estimated Average Annual Wage: $48,080.00
Rochester Mean Hourly Wage: $22.67
Rochester Employment (potential jobs available): 2920
Carpenters Local #276
Phone: (585) 436-1110
Virtual Informational Sessions: NASTCF.ORG