industry partners

Rochester Building and Construction Trades Council (RBCTC)

The Rochester Building and Construction Trades Council is an association of 18 individual trades whose mission is to support the working men and woman of our local construction industry. 16,000 members strong, their impact on the community can be seen all around us. It is in the Rochester skyline that we built and in the over $100 million annually their members bring to the local economy. RBCTC provides the best skilled workers in the region to those that want their construction project built right the first time- on time and on budget.


Unions and Business United in Construction (UNiCON) represents over 250 contractors and thousands of building and construction tradesmen and women within the nine county Finger Lakes region. UNiCON has a long history of working towards economic development and social improvement in the area, generating opportunity for the local economy while promoting the economic advantages and competitiveness of our local, unionized construction industry. 

The Urban League of Rochester

The mission of the Urban League of Rochester, NY, is to enable African-Americans, Latinxs, the poor, and other disadvantaged to secure economic self-reliance, parity and power, and civil rights.

Our four-pronged strategy for pursuing this mission is:     

  1. Ensuring that our children are well-educated and equipped for economic self-reliance in the 21st century;

  2. Helping adults attain economic self-sufficiency through good jobs, homeownership, entrepreneurship, and wealth accumulation;

  3. Ensuring our civil rights by eradicating all barriers to equal participation in the economic and social mainstream of America; and

  4. Ensuring that our staff are provided the tools to educate, advocate, and fulfill the mission.

workforce development institute (WDI)

The Workforce Development Institute (WDI) began in 2003 as a partner to the NYS AFL-CIO and Area Labor Federations to provide workforce training and education services to regional and local unions. Their role has since evolved and they now focus more broadly on the growth and retention of good jobs in NYS through a variety of mechanisms. WDI's work is often accomplished through partnerships and collaborations with businesses, unions, other non-profits, educational institutions, and government.


2022 Resource Guide for the Construction Industry


Download a copy of the 2022 Resource Guide for the Construction Industry here.